When you hear the term 'Big Idea', most people immediately think about a new invention or gadget the world has never seen before. 

Although those can be 'Big Ideas' that turn into life-changing or even world-changing tools or inventions... that's not what a big marketing idea is

The perfect example of this would be the Apple iPod. 

The iPod was introduced to the world at a time when no one thought it possible to be able to listen to multiple CDs without changing them... let alone an entire library of songs. 

In essence, the iPod was a massive 'Idea' concerning modern music invention.

But it wasn't the invention itself that made the iPod famous on its merit. 

The marketing 'Big Idea' made it the most popular personal audio storage device of all time. 

"The iPod puts 1,000 songs in your pocket" attracted millions upon millions of buyers. 
This single idea of expressing the product in a way that the market had never heard before attracted the entire world's attention. 

You see, Big Ideas in marketing don't come easy. 

You must first understand your target market in a way that allows you to walk a mile in their shoes. 

After deeply understanding your market, you need to enter the conversation already going on inside their minds. 

What keeps them up at night?

What makes them happy?

What makes them sad?

How do they think about the world? How do they think the world thinks about them?

This idea of understanding your market holds for marketing any product or service in any industry worldwide. 

It never changes. 

People still make buying decisions for the same reasons, over and over again. 

When you can place your ear directly inside their beating heart, you can develop your Big Marketing Idea. 

It's a Big Idea that I chase because it is the starting point for any copywriting project. 

Can I help develop a Big Idea and write high-converting copy for your business? 

Let's talk :-)

Click the button below to schedule a free discovery call with me, now. 



Print advertisement for the chicken feed industry. This appeared in a publication for the backyard chicken industry by a premium mealworm company. They needed to express to their target market that they were not providing the best care for their chickens if they gave them any other type of feed supplement, without damaging their trust or insulting them.


Financial institution looking to gain more clients for their small business loan product offerings. They needed an advertisement to put in front of warm traffic. This headline is specific, and removes the pain point most small businesses feel when applying for alone. 


NDA in force; cannot name the company however this single email went out to an ice-cold list of ~80K and returned over $23K in a SINGLE SEND. 


Company selling a new style 'toilet riser' for the middle-age to senior market. Here we created a problem that the audience has never heard before 'potty pain' that hits their pain point for the discomfort they feel when 'going'. It also addresses the look of the device in stating it "doesn't turn your bathroom into a nursing home", as well as making the prospect feel like they aren't at that stage of their life yet. 


An action sports learning platform that is trying to attract new trainers and coaches to its platform. The main pain point is that these trainers and coaches feel like they need to have a massive presence in order to be found, but this platform does it for them... just by having them create content for them (and get paid while doing it). 

X Ways To Start:

Step #1: Do this first

Put your text here

Step #2: Do this second

Put your text here

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"If I were to send one person to coach or consult in my place, it would be David Perrera."

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-Shawn Twing, Owner Barn Door Media

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"Chris took the super complex idea of having a product line that sells, and broke down the key milestones while also providing some serious training wheels."
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"Looking for real results, Chris's book..."
"If you are looking for real results, Chris's book brings insights and clarity into your business challenges. Chris Koehl’s method will help you understand where you are in your business, and define the steps to help you move forward. Chris has an amazing ability of boiling down all the “stuff” going on, and guides you to a clear and focused plan. I highly recommend him."
- Silvia Barten
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