Chris Koehl
Founder of Strategic Systems, Inc 






David Perrera

Founder of Truth in Marketing, LLC.

Man this is tough. 

I HATE writing about myself... but if you've read this far, you have some interest in learning about who I am, and what drives me. 

I've been married to an amazing wife since 2009, and have 3 amazing, beautiful children named Eden (the oldest), Levi (the middle) and Esther Ruby (my youngest). 

It's easy to say that these 4 humans are the reason why I get up every morning.  

There's no greater reward than being able to raise up a family, and do it together with my wife Nicole. 

So let me tell you a little bit about my professional journey. 

I've been in sales and marketing since before I even graduated High School. 

I went from selling cemetery plots in Marlboro, NJ to knocking on doors peddling home security systems. 

Even as a young door knocker I was fascinated by the different tactics that changed the outcome of a sale. 

I studied different ways of presenting my offer, my body language, my voice inflection, tonality, and handling objections.I always made sure to record data to continually get better. 

After a while, I became so good that I started to train new salespeople and then went on to building successful teams. 

Soon after building new marketing and sales teams, I felt the tugging to go back and finish my Bachelors Degree in school and focused on business administration. 

Immediately after receiving my degree I was offered a position in a prominent insurance company called The Hartford. 

It didn't take long before I was promoted to a marketing rep 

About a year into my position as a marketing rep in Grand Rapids, MI... my dad passed away and I decided to move back home to NJ to be with my mom. 

She was going through a lot and it just made sense to come back home to NJ. 

Plus... the home security company I worked for previously made me an offer to run the entire company, and I couldn't refuse. 

I worked for just over 10 years building new teams, work flows, marketing strategies, and managing the overall health of the company. 

We went on to break several records for new sales growth that caused the company to be featured around the globe in the industry leading publications. 

And then my family decided to move to Florida

It was in Florida that I started working for an internet marketing guru who taught me a deeper understanding of how to market to different audiences. 

I learned new ways to attract clients for his Big-Ticket coaching programs, sold new clients, taught new clients, consulted for many large firms, built a sales and marketing team to accelerate growth and  learned the skill of direct response copywriting. 

It was my ability to create effective marketing campaigns and write killer sales copy that caught the attention of many other employers. 

That's when I decided to start my own company in a niche I was passionate about called The Honest Worm. 

The Honest Worm is a dried mealworm company in the backyard chicken niche. It's currently available in stores across the country. 

And although there is a tremendous amount of success with the product, it is not my full-time focus. 

I currently direct the marketing team for one of the largest Christian ministries in the world

I absolutely love what I do because it focuses on my main passion in life, reaching people in the christian faith.

I love putting together marketing campaigns with my team that help spread resources (both paid and free) that are directed toward telling more people about Christ. 

Of course, focusing on the bottom line is important, and we make certain we are doing well to steward the responsibility given to us. 

We reach millions of people every single day through email, social media, text message, radio, and other mediums. 

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